The picture above was taken at a recent night out at Star City Casino in Sydney, Rangers played Celt*c. Rangers won 3-0 :)
Tonight I went to see The Killers and quite frankly, they were great. I thought they would be good but the surpassed expectations. They are playing again tomorrow night so, I may go again if I can get a ticket. The following night, Ratt and Winger are also playing. The last time I saw Ratt was 22 years ago at Castle Donington Monsters of Rock. It really makes me realise that I am actually quite old now.
The picture above was taken from tonights show. Apologies for the poor quality shot, it was taken from my phone.
Anyway, for now, it is bed time. The weather has been great so let's see what tomorrow brings, possibly Bondi Beach if it is nice. Or Whale Watching.
Keep Safe