We are back in Greece now and very glad to be back. It was a lot of fun but I did miss 'home'.
I will post a few pictures over the course of the next few days and try and give a few more details of trip.
The journey home was much better than expected, especially taking in to account my fear of flying. That was not helped when we boarded the plane at Gatwick to come back to Greece. It became apparent very quickly that the flight was full of "18-30's" (for the sake of my non UK friends, 18-30's are a type of holiday for people, surprise surprise, between the ages of 18-30, although usually about 18-21. They go on holiday (stereotype warning) to get drunk and have lots of sex). As the flight was at 11:55pm, you can imagine the state of most of the holiday go-ers. To be fair, they behaved pretty well.
One of my friends was here from the UK when I arrived (Carl E) so it was hard trying to be bright and breezy when inside I felt thoroughly jetlagged and full of cold. It was great to see them both (he was with his wife-to-be) though so, that made me feel a little better.
Anyway, this photo is obviously of the Grand Canyon. I'm not sure if it is very clear on the image (click on it to make it bigger) but you can also see the Colorado River running through the Canyon.
Until next time, Keep Safe.
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